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Ziptrak® is the original outdoor blind system with a patented,

track-guided design that glides smoothly and stops at any height.

Outdoor Ziptrak Awning, Tweed Coast
Ziptrak Australian Owned

Instantly transform your space to create a sense of seclusion and sanctuary. Outdoor blinds allow you to control airflow, light, and temperature whilst remaining connected with nature. Spend more time enjoying life outdoors with family and friends. Offering protection during every season from sun, wind, and rain for year-round outdoor entertaining.

Mesh Outdoor Blinds

Enjoy Life Outdoors

Easy and Fast Operation

Lift & Lower Ziptrack Awnings

The track guided system is simple and safe to operate – no chains, ropes, or pullies. Using our patented spring-balanced track system, the blind easily glides up and down, stopping in any position.


Motorisation is a popular option for many households and commercial applications. It can be particularly useful for larger blinds or blinds mounted in hard-to-reach locations

With the touch of a button, the blind can be lifted or lowered. The motor is hidden within the pelmet and looks no different to a non-motorised blind. You can stop the blind at any height, whilst the motor provides a quiet, smooth glide.

Ziptrak® Features 

Locks into place 

Ziptrak® blinds have locking mechanisms which allows the blinds to be locked when fully down, providing a secure hold, even in windy conditions. With our unique Centre Lock Release, you can unlock both the left and right locks simultaneously from the centre.

Ziptrak Centre Lock Release

No rattling in the wind. 

Ziptrak® patented system grips tight to the vertical tracks for peace and quiet even in strong winds – NO rattling blinds!

The unique spline design conceals the edges of the blind, keeping out dust, wind, rain and insects.

The new small side spline also provides a smoother finish and superior skin appearance.

ZipTrack spline

Up to 6 meters wide. 

Ziptrak® outdoor blinds can be up to 6 meters wide, and 3.5 meters tall.

The system will automatically include larger, stronger, and additional components that make a 6m wide blind as robust and easy to lift as a 3m wide blind. If you’re looking to cost-effectively cover a large opening, Ziptrak®offers unbeatable quality and value.

Wide outdoor blind

Pelmets & Brackets 

A pelmet encloses and protects the system from weather and creatures, ensuring your blinds will look great and operates effortlessly for years. Highly recommended for blinds installed outside of the structure.



There are four options for installing the Ziptrak® system, depending on your preference and the structure the system will attach to. You can select from an open bracket which leaves the retracted blind visible; bracket with back flashing which hides the blind from the external side; Traditional pelmet or the new Ziptrak® Streamline pelmet with Insect Control System for superior protection.

Pelmet and brackets
Pelmet with insectcontrol

Design Your Blind!

Build Your Own Ziptrak awning
Outside Roller Blind - Ziptrak
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